Sales Capacity

Know Revenue Plan Risks in Hiring, Teams, and Segments

This year Revcast has continued to build out the robustness of our Insights Dashboard – putting current and actionable information front and center so you can better manage and adjust your revenue plan for success and efficiency. 

Additional product enhancements in the past month further enhance your ability to stay on top of revenue capacity status and how that’s tracking against your revenue forecast. It’s all about surfacing meaningful data for you automatically. This makes your RevOps and analytics teams far more productive and more available for higher-value impact.

Let’s now cover those new arrivals to your Insights Dashboard – and you can always see these in action by scheduling a demo using our online demo calendar:

Late Hiring Notifications

Do you have the right people in the right seats at the right time? Planning for your sales capacity is only part of the equation; managing your capacity is another. We’ve heard time and again from Revenue leaders, RevOps, and HR that maintaining an accurate hiring timeline is a challenge, but hiring status and trends directly impact your ability to generate pipeline, your street quota, and ultimately revenue achievement.

As such, we’ve made it easier than ever to identify and react when planned hires are late. You’re now notified in Revcast of the late hires and prompted to take action to keep your plan on-track. See the screen grab below of an example related to this notification on your Insight Dashboard:

Example notifications revealing late hiring risks, from Revcast's Insights Dashboard.

Having this type of timely information readily available at any time can be extremely helpful to review in weekly forecast meetings, to drive hiring process accountability, and to problem-solve with stakeholders. 

Team-Level and Segment-Level Insights

Speaking of keeping your plan on-track: insights, risks and opportunities are now more visible and apparent – even when they impact only one part of your business. 

If a Team or Segment as defined in your plan is either at risk or has an opportunity to do better than expected, Revcast reveals those details on your Insights Dashboard as that data is discovered. That means no more digging through spreadsheets or aggregating data from multiple sources and apps to find the necessary information that may make-or-break a team’s quarterly performance.

In the screen snippet below taken from the Insights Dashboard, you can see different teams as defined in this example customer plan. Such automatic notifications highlight any number of revenue plan KPIs that Revcast calculates should be brought to your attention because they do not align with what’s expected, ranging from hiring delays, street quota being under (or over) plan, ramp times that are slower (or faster), attrition not forecasted, and more.

Revcast's Insights Dashboard showing notifications of performance alerts for specific teams defined in a revenue plan.

Once you have such insights readily available at any time in Revcast, you can find use for them in a range of revenue leadership use cases, from re-planning initiatives to supporting board meetings to elevating your QBRs. 

In Summary: The Right Information at the Right Time

As we continue building Revcast to meet the needs of go-to-market revenue leaders and their RevOps teams, we’re placing emphasis on meeting you where you are. It’s not just about the information delivered, it’s about having trusted information at the right time.

An opportunity is only as good as your ability to capitalize, and a risk is far more dangerous when not surfaced to the right people when there’s still time to take action. Whether you’re a current user or not, we’d love to walk you through these new features. You can request and immediately schedule a demo with us using our online calendar.

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