Use Case

Annual revenue planning &

Revcast screenshot: Best practices platform for annual revenue planning and sales pipeline capacity

The challenge behind revenue strategy

For each new fiscal year, you need to determine your revenue strategy and targets, and then calculate the resources, timing, and budget needed to achieve those goals. Ideally, the process should capture, connect, and model your full pipeline: marketing, BDRs/SDRs, and sales – but it often doesn’t. It’s essential work that’s heavily reliant on hard-to-gather data required for decision-making across finance and go-to-market teams.

The annual planning frustration cycle

Make sure your plan isn't at risk for failure. The planning process often misses critical inputs, uses unintentionally wrong assumptions, and doesn’t align stakeholders.

This is because the process gets:


A disproportionate amount of time is spent on tedious data and modeling work vs. stakeholder collaboration and scenario analysis.


Teams are consumed with collecting data, filling in gaps, and manually building spreadsheet models to show different approaches.


It can (unnecessarily) take months of data work and back-and-forth across stakeholders in sales, finance, marketing, and board members.
“I also need to understand what sort of demand am I going to have to create in the market: pipeline. What should my pipeline goals be? And how do I think about dividing up these pipeline goals across my sales organization, my BDR organization, my marketing organization, how does all of that roll up into an aggregate pipeline? How do I share that responsibility and communicate that responsibility? And then finally, what's the cost of doing all of this?”
How Revcast Helps

Accurate revenue plans, built faster

Our best practices framework makes sure you don't have gaps in revenue and sales planning. As one customer reported: “With Revcast, we built four years of plans in four hours.” Another customer achieved "in mere hours what previously took weeks of extensive planning and meetings.”

Data united
Revcast brings together historic inputs you need for plan-building with transparency. If you’re lacking data, Revcast gives you the ideal place to start to collect it now.
Total capacity picture
Revcast helps you build a plan that captures your full pipeline capacity for cost-effective revenue achievement, from marketing to BDRs/SDRs to all sales segments.
Pre-built models
You and your sales leaders get a rapid start on best practice modeling, as Revcast takes your data and assumptions and automates the creation of your draft plan for you to adjust further.
Rapid scenario analysis
Use the solution to quickly create, compare, and share scenarios, giving cross-functional stakeholders visibility to drive alignment and accountability.

Key inputs and insights in your revenue plan

Revcast provides the central integration home for your plan’s key data inputs, so you can spend the majority of your planning time reviewing insights and analyzing options to reduce risk and ensure efficient growth.

Get always-on access to:

  • Sales team organization structure
  • Hiring velocity
  • Ramp times
  • Quota on the street
  • Various quota types
  • Quota attainment
  • Attrition and planned leave time
  • Marketing contribution
  • BDR or SDR contribution
  • Costs
Revcast product: Monitoring ramp KPIs for revenue plan effectiveness

Re-planning: course correct sooner and smarter

“The targets don’t change – but how you get there does,” said Revcast’s chief revenue operations officer.

As the year gets underway, your original plan’s assumptions are met with new events, data, and trends and needs to adapt to emerging risks and opportunities. That may mean plan adjustments or even a larger re-planning effort, to reduce risks and ensure your best chances to meet revenue goals.

See what’s changed

Revcast compares actual performance vs. your plan, surfacing deviations, trends, and the root cause in real-time so you know where to focus and why.

Quickly assess new scenarios

Revcast automates the modeling as you evaluate changes to headcount, ramps, quotas, or resource allocations, so you can make rapid, informed decisions.

Increase plan confidence

It’s easier for everyone to see changes to the plan and the rationale behind those changs, improving alignment and accountability.

Best-in-class revenue planning and re-planning starts here.

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