Weekly forecasting and deal reviews typically involve three elements: a look at the pipeline, your current quarter’s deal roadmap, and sales reps and manager discussion of deal movement and blockers. These weekly meetings often do not (but should!) include the current status of your capacity to produce your deal pipeline, because the data usually isn't easy to get.
If you and the team are focused only on deals in play and win/loss outcomes, you’re not revisiting the fundamental ingredients needed to ensure you can generate adequate future deal pipeline. Where and how have things changed week to week -- for better or worse -- that can affect productivity later?
It doesn't need to be hard to get this data each week. Revcast integrates with CRM and HR systems, constantly collecting status about your pipeline’s capacity, headcount, trends, and future estimates. You easily bring those insights into weekly forecasting.
There’s no need to let your annual revenue plan and its foundational elements become “shelfware” as you get into the fiscal year and the focus shifts to deals. We help GTM teams stay on top of and take action on today’s state of revenue capacity – so you’re in good shape to ramp up efficiently and build your future pipeline.